
What is a solar garden light?

Solar garden lights are used quite commonly today in families, businesses, public areas ... in lighting walkways, lighting for garden areas, fences, park roads, etc. Lamps usually have medium power with the ability to illuminate continuously for a long time. In addition to the purpose of lighting, this type of lamp also has high aesthetics, so it is used for decorative purposes.

This type of light works on the principle of using solar energy for lighting, usually installed in outdoor areas such as gardens, walkways, fences, gates, etc., for both illumination and medium. It has a decorative role, beautifying the exterior space of ​​your house. Garden lights use panels to collect solar energy, store in rechargeable batteries, and illuminate at night, providing an efficient and economical lighting solution for users.


Working principle

During the day, the solar panel will have the role of collecting energy directly from the sun, then converting it into electricity, passing through the controller and being transferred to store electricity into the rechargeable battery.

At night, the light will automatically turn on to illuminate when it is dark, draw power from the charged battery and store it during the day, allowing the led lights to glow at night.

On our website we have article about best solar lights for trees, so check our website.