InventHelp Invention Company: Inventor and Patent Services for your Invention Ideas

One of the key things that have helped the world to evolve over the centuries is the wide range of incredible inventions that have come from the minds of geniuses. Our lives and the world as a whole would be a very different place if it was not for the brilliance and determination of inventors over the years. Everything we rely on today – from lighting and heating to smart technology – was once just an idea in someone’s head, but it would be very difficult to imagine a world without these things.

One of the things to keep in mind is that new inventors often find the whole idea of moving forward with their invention scary and daunting, and this is natural because it is alien territory. However, giving up is not the answer because this could mean that the inventor and other people end up missing out. Instead, a lot of new inventors turn to specialists for assistance and support to help them with their first invention experience, and many of those who have turned to the professionals at InventHelp have introduced some great inventions to the world.

As a new inventor, you should never rush into choosing an invention services provider to work with, as this is a huge step. This is why looking at InventHelp reviews is so important, as you need to be able to make the right decision. In fact, in addition to looking at InventHelp reviews, you need to ensure you check out other things such as common questions and answers, testimonials, and the history of the provider to make an informed decision.

In this InvenHelp review, you can learn more about the provider and the pros and cons, and you can also learn more from a series of common questions and answers about InventHelp.


In this article, you can learn more about InventHelp through a series of frequently asked questions and answers.

More Information About InventHelp Invention Company



By reading frequently asked questions from those interested in the services of InventHelp, you can learn more about the company, its mission and history, and how these experts can help new inventors.


                    How Does InventHelp Work?

InventHelp provides inventors with services such as patent assistance, prototype development, marketing, licensing support, and more. They aim to help inventors bring their ideas to market.

                    What Types of Inventions Does InventHelp Work With?

InventHelp works with a wide range of invention ideas, including products, processes, technologies, and innovations in various industries.

                    Does InventHelp Help with Patent Research?

Yes, InventHelp can assist with patent research by conducting preliminary patent searches to assess the novelty and patentability of an invention.

                    Does InventHelp Develop Prototypes?

Yes, InventHelp offers prototype development services to help inventors create working models or representations of their inventions.

                    Does InventHelp Offer Marketing Services?

InventHelp provides marketing and promotional services to help inventors showcase their inventions and connect with potential buyers or licensees.

                    How Does InventHelp Help Inventors Get Funding?

InventHelp may assist inventors in seeking funding or investment opportunities by helping them prepare pitches, connect with investors, or explore crowdfunding options.

                    How Much Does InventHelp Cost?

The cost of InventHelp's services can vary depending on the specific needs of the inventor and the services required. It's essential to discuss fees and payment terms with InventHelp before proceeding.

                    Is InventHelp a Legitimate Company?

InventHelp has been in operation for several decades and has worked with numerous inventors.

                    Where is InventHelp Located?

InventHelp is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but they provide services to inventors across the United States, Canada, and internationally.

                    Can InventHelp Help with Licensing an Invention?

Yes, InventHelp can assist inventors in exploring licensing opportunities by connecting them with potential licensees or buyers.

                    How Long Has InventHelp Been Around?

InventHelp has been in operation for many years, with a long history of assisting inventors. The company was established in 1984.

                    What is the Invention Process?

The invention process is the journey from conceiving a new idea or innovation to bringing it to market. It typically involves idea development, research, prototyping, patenting, marketing, and possibly licensing or manufacturing.

                    How do I Protect my Invention Idea?

You can protect your invention idea by filing for a patent, using non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) when discussing it, and documenting your concept and development process.

                    What is a Patent, and Why is it Important?

A patent is a legal document that grants exclusive rights to inventors for their inventions. It's important as it prevents others from making, using, or selling your invention without permission, giving you a competitive advantage.


                    Can I Sell my Invention Idea Without a Patent?

Yes, you can sell your invention idea without a patent, but it's advisable to use NDAs and be cautious when sharing it to protect your intellectual property.

                    How do I Turn my Idea into a Prototype?

You can turn your idea into a prototype by sketching your concept, creating technical drawings, and then building a physical or digital prototype to demonstrate functionality.

                    What Should I Consider when Conducting Market Research for my Invention?

When conducting market research, consider your target audience, competition, market demand, pricing, and potential distribution channels for your invention.

                    Should I License my Invention or Manufacture and Sell it Myself?

The decision depends on your resources, expertise, and goals. Licensing allows others to produce and sell your invention, while manufacturing it yourself offers more control but requires investment.

                    How can I Find Investors or Funding for my Invention?

You can seek investors through pitching to venture capitalists, angel investors, crowdfunding campaigns, or exploring grants and funding programs for innovators and entrepreneurs.

                    What Role Does Marketing Play in the Invention Process?

Marketing is crucial for introducing your invention to the market, creating demand, and connecting with potential buyers or licensees. It helps ensure the commercial success of your invention.

                    How Long Does it Take to Bring an Invention to Market?

The timeline varies widely depending on factors like complexity, patenting process, prototyping, and market readiness. It can take several months to several years.

Remember that the invention process can be complex and unique to each invention. Seeking guidance from experts and conducting thorough research is essential to navigate it successfully.

            How do inventors get paid?

Inventors can get paid for their inventions in several ways, depending on the type of agreement they have with the party that wants to use their invention. Some common methods of payment include:


  1. Licensing agreements: In this type of agreement, the inventor grants a third party the right to use, manufacture, and sell the invention in exchange for royalties or other forms of compensation. The inventor typically receives a percentage of the profits generated from the sale of the product.


  1. Sale of the patent or invention: In some cases, an inventor may choose to sell the patent or invention outright to a company or individual in exchange for a lump sum payment.


  1. Equity: An inventor may receive equity in a company that uses their invention as a form of payment. This allows the inventor to share in the company's success and potential profits.


  1. Consulting fees: In some cases, an inventor may be hired as a consultant by a company that wants to use their invention. The inventor may receive a fee for providing guidance and support during the product development process.


The payment structure will depend on the specific agreement between the inventor and the party that wants to use their invention. It is important for inventors to carefully review and negotiate the terms of any agreement to ensure they receive fair compensation for their work.


            Should I patent my idea before selling?

Patenting your idea before selling it can offer several benefits. A patent gives you exclusive rights to manufacture, use, and sell your invention for a certain period of time, typically 20 years from the filing date of the patent application. This means that no one else can make, use, or sell your invention without your permission. Having a patent can also make it easier to license your invention or sell it to others, as it provides a strong legal basis for protecting your intellectual property.


However, obtaining a patent can be a complex and costly process, and it is not always necessary or practical to do so. If your idea is relatively simple and easy to replicate, it may be difficult to obtain a patent. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to keep your invention a trade secret or rely on other forms of legal protection, such as trademarks or copyrights.


Ultimately, whether or not to patent your idea before selling it will depend on your specific circumstances and goals. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified intellectual property attorney to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for your situation.

            What is the average cost for a patent?

The cost of obtaining a patent can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the invention, the type of patent being applied for, the geographic location of the inventor, and the fees charged by the patent attorney or agent handling the application.


The cost of obtaining a utility patent in the United States can range from $10,000 to $20,000 or more, including filing fees, attorney fees, and other associated costs. This cost can increase significantly if the application is challenged or if the inventor needs to appeal a rejection by the patent office.


The cost of obtaining a design patent or a provisional patent can be less than that of a utility patent, as these patents are typically less complex and require fewer formalities. However, it is important to note that the cost of obtaining a patent will also depend on the specific services required, the experience of the patent attorney or agent, and the time it takes to complete the application process.


It is recommended that inventors obtain multiple quotes from different patent attorneys or agents and carefully review the services included in each quote to determine the best value for their needs.


            How do I start my invention idea?

Starting an invention idea can be a complex process, but here are some general steps that may help you get started:


  1. Conduct research: Research your idea thoroughly to determine if it is already patented or if there are similar products already on the market. Look for potential competitors and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. You can also conduct market research to assess the potential demand for your idea.


  1. Refine your idea: Refine your idea and develop a detailed plan for how it will work. Create sketches or diagrams and consider hiring a professional to create a prototype.


  1. Protect your idea: Consider obtaining legal protection for your idea through patents, trademarks, or copyrights. Consult with a qualified intellectual property attorney to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.


  1. Develop a business plan: Develop a detailed business plan that outlines the costs associated with developing and marketing your product, as well as potential sources of funding.


  1. Seek funding: Determine how much funding you will need and explore potential sources of funding, such as grants, loans, or investors.


  1. Build a team: Build a team of professionals, such as patent attorneys, product designers, and marketing specialists, to help you develop and market your product.


  1. Launch your product: Once your product is developed and ready for market, launch it through various channels, such as e-commerce sites, brick-and-mortar stores, or direct sales.


It is important to remember that inventing a product can be a complex and time-consuming process. You may encounter setbacks along the way, but persistence and dedication can pay off in the end. Consider seeking the advice of professionals and other inventors to help guide you through the process.


            How can You Benefit from InventHelp?

As an inventor, you may benefit from InventHelp in several ways, including:


  1. Patent Assistance: InventHelp can help you with the process of obtaining a patent for your invention, including conducting a patent search, preparing and filing a patent application, and communicating with the patent office.


  1. Prototype Design: InventHelp can assist you with creating a prototype of your invention, which can be useful for testing and demonstrating your idea to potential investors or customers.


  1. Licensing Assistance: InventHelp can help you license your invention to a third party, which can help you earn royalties and bring your product to market without having to invest in manufacturing and marketing costs.


  1. Marketing and Promotion: InventHelp can help you market and promote your invention through various channels, such as tradeshows, social media, and print and online publications.


  1. Funding Assistance: InventHelp can help you identify potential sources of funding for your invention, such as grants or venture capital, and assist you with preparing funding applications.


  1. Legal Assistance: InventHelp can help you navigate the legal aspects of inventing, such as patent law and licensing agreements, and provide advice and guidance on protecting your intellectual property.


It is important to note that while InventHelp can provide valuable services and guidance, inventors should carefully evaluate their needs and goals and determine if InventHelp is the right partner for them. It is also important to review the terms and conditions of any services or agreements with InventHelp to ensure that they meet your needs and expectations.


            What are the pros and cons of working with InventHelp?




One of the things to note in this InventHelp review is that working with these professionals can make a big positive difference to your first experience as an inventor. Because the team at InventHelp has such extensive experience when it comes to supporting new inventors, you will receive well-rounded assistance that can help you with all aspects of your journey.

This means that you get to look forward to a more enjoyable and exciting first experience rather than one that is fraught with worry and stress. Whenever you need help and support, there will always be someone with the right knowledge and expertise to assist you, which is why a lot of new inventors seem to turn to InventHelp.

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