
When we clean our home, office or a reception, we usually pay attention to the floor or the windows. Sometimes, we leave aside part of our furniture for many reasons, for example, that they are difficult to clean. This is the case of the rugs. Both because of their size and their weight, they are difficult elements to clean, which is why sometimes carpets are not our priority when we plan to clean.

From GreenChoice Carpet Cleaners, as cleaning experts , today we will explain the importance of cleaning and disinfecting carpets and what their benefits are.

The carpet, a home for bacteria

According to experts, carpets accumulate multiple types of bacteria , since it is one of the decorative objects that accumulates the most dirt. In addition to bacteria, we can also find mites, fungi, dust, pollen remains, dead skin and even sand. And we must bear in mind that, if we have pets, the carpet may also have hair, mustaches, nails, feathers and any type of dirt that our pet may have stepped on in the street.

Another problem with rugs is that, just like carpets, due to their composition, they tend to absorb all kinds of odours, so that, over a long period of time, if they are not cleaned correctly, they generate unpleasant odours.

Although all this dirt does not present a significant risk to our health, if we want to keep a totally clean home we should wash our carpets more often or hire a carpet cleaning service.

Normally, to clean carpets, the most used tool is the vacuum cleaner, but it is not always enough. Ideally, this method should be used for both daily and weekly cleaning, but at least twice a year it is advisable to hire a professional company to carry out an exhaustive cleaning and ensure that our carpet loses all these bacteria.

daily carpet cleaning

As we have just commented, the ideal would be to clean the carpets daily with a vacuum cleaner. We must pay attention to its cleaning, since, if we do not do it correctly, it will be ineffective.

We recommend vacuuming slowly and steadily, making sure that any visible residue is removed. It is also very important to leave carpet cleaning as the last step in cleaning our home, since if we clean other places later, they could get dirty again. Finally, we recommend doing this procedure at least once a week and two to three if we have pets.

What are the benefits of carpet cleaning?